Saturday, October 22, 2011

How we’ve met the NETS for teachers

Below, I have commented on each of the four (a, b, c, d) sub-standards of the five NETS for teachers. I have explained how in ED 483, we have either met, or not met these standards with our instructor, Mr. Hammerstrom. The full description of NETS for teachers can be found at:

1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
            a) We were supported and modeled creative and innovative thinking when given the opportunity to create our own videos and being shown video examples to show what was expected of us for the assignment.
            b) We engaged in exploring real-world issues when reading and discussing the articles about the Facebook issues in Missouri. The issues were real and the results of the legislation that was working its way through the government would have a big effect on all of us.
            c) Student reflection has been promoted throughout the course by the use of our personal blogs. Also, the comments that we’ve made on Edmodo have been examples of student reflection and a way to clarify our (the students’) conceptual understanding and thinking.
            d) Collaborative knowledge construction has been performed throughout the class. The virtual meeting with Steve Saffron and our meeting with Scott Smith both allowed us to gain knowledge from other professionals and engage in different forms of learning.

2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
            a) Relevant learning experiences have been adapted to incorporate digital tools and resources when individual videos were created by each student as well as the use of the smartboard in class. Each student will be given the opportunity to learn more about using the smartboard, which will be very beneficial.
            b) The learning environment in our classroom includes a smartboard, which has not been used a great amount, but it will be beneficial to learn on it and have Mr. Hammerstrom use it in his lessons.
            c) The survey given at the beginning of the semester was a good thing to use in order to accomplish this standard. After learning the diverse learning styles, working strategies and abilities of all students in the class, Mr. Hammerstrom has been able to very easily accomplish this standard.
            d) There have been many different forms of assessments throughout the semester so far. There have been assignments that we’ve done in groups, individual assignments online, in class and through other forms of media. 

3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
            a) Mr. Hammerstrom has definitely demonstrated fluency in technology systems in this class. We have used the smartboard, and even though he is not a pro with the smartboard, he has made the knowledge of other professionals accessible to us, in order to learn about the smartboard. Other forms of technology have been used in the class that have been shown to us and explained very well by Mr. Hammerstrom.
            b) We have collaborated on many occasions in this class. Our virtual interview with Steve Saffron at the beginning of the semester was one of the coolest things I’ve done with available technology. Also, using Edmodo, we’ve collaborated online as a whole class, discussing the subjects at hand for the week.
            c) The communication of relevant info and ideas has been effective in this class. The ideas that Mr. Hammerstrom has wanted to share have been shown to us in class, posted online, and shared with us in e-mails.
            d) Digital tools including the computer, iPad, and other instruments have been used to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use the info available to us as a class.

4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
            a) Mr. Hammerstrom has always advocated digital citizenship and responsibility throughout the course. The rules and regulations surrounding online copyright, intellectual property, and appropriate documentation of resources have been covered.
            b) The various needs of all learners have been covered. The idea behind supporting the different learning styles of students has been taught and supported.
            c) The idea of digital equity and responsible social interactions has been covered and modeled. The use of Edmodo has given students the opportunity to practice this proper interaction and information.
            d) Global awareness has been given light in the classroom. The ideas of other people have been something related to as important and significant.  Students from other cultures have not directly been involved in class, but the idea of sharing ideas with the rest of the world and accepting the idea of others has been covered.

5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
            a) This standard has not really been covered so far. The opportunity to participate in the learning community has presented itself recently when the education conferences were held on campus, but it was not directly tied to this course.
            b) This standard has most definitely been encompassed in this course. Mr. Hammerstrom has more than accomplished this by showing students many ways of technology infusion in the classroom. The development of our technology skills, rather than just showing us how to do stuff, has been exercised as well.
            c) The evaluation and reflection of current research and resources has been an everyday occurrence in the classroom. Mr. Hammerstrom has been more than willing to research and practice to make effective use of existing digital tools and resources.
            d) Contributions to the effectiveness of our skills and knowledge have something that Mr. Hammerstrom has worked on all semester. Not only has he shown us the tools and resources available to us, he has made a great effort of showing us HOW to use them. This is a great thing.

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